I had a great time with my sister and friends. I also found some Youtube Gurus like Nicole Guerriero, Pursebuzz & Queen Of Blending. As far as Makeup Purchases:
I felt proud of myself! I only got a few things and didn't over spend
I got a custom eye shadow palette from Inglot Cosmetics with 5 colors, Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Skinny Brow Pencil In Brunette and a Beauty Blender kit from Nigel Beauty Emporium, Violet's Secret Weapon Glitter Adhesive and two glitter colors from Violet Voss, and a glitter lip gloss from Motives Cosmetics. I am extremely happy with everything I got . However, I was a little sad for not finding any good false lashes which I was expecting to get. Overall, the show was great, but I do wish next time more brands would join.
Compritas del Show De Maquilaje Orlando! Y fotos. La pase super con mi hermana y mis amigas. También encontré a varias chicas de Youtube. Me sentí orgullosa porque solo compre unas cositas y no me salí del presupuesto!
Me encantó todo lo que conseguí, pero si me hubiera gustado encontrar unas buenas pestañas postisas y no me gustaron las que habían. En general el show estuvo super, pero espero que la próxima vez haya más compañías que de unan.
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